Thursday, January 10, 2008

Austria - Vienna Calling

Irina enjoys the world famous Sachertorte at one of the equally world famous Aida cafes in Vienna. New Year's decorations were set up for 2008 festivities.
A light snowfall on New Year's Day in Vienna has us take the tram around the ring to avoid the cold. The tram cost us a Euro, the same bus tour cost 25 Euros each. The tram had equally nice windows. I'd say skip the bus tour.
Stephansdom church, Vienna.
Ina bought a walking cane that she will use, let me guess, "zero times" ever.

Views from around the Vienna Ring including the Rathaus.

A Russian World War II memorial. Unlike the rest of Eastern Europe, the Soviets occupied but later departed from Vienna. The city remained a spys nest all throughout the first decades of the cold war.

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